Here is some additional info from the MaxScript Listener: Now I am getting the '- Type error: if-test requires BooleanClass, got: OK' Error. mat file I used was the same I used earlier without issues. I just tried the newly updated approach with the 'Add to Library' button in the Material Library Browser for Update 1, latest version. The suggested method is to use the max file approach. In fact, the manual creation of matlibs generates bad material libraries with invisible, but present, empty entries as the materials are deleted and re-added to the library. You can pick a max file directly, and even scan for the subfolders, and the script will take care of it all for you. You can save the max file (or use any saved one) as it is, with your materials assigned to something, and process the max file itself via script. The suggested way to fix it is to properly clean the incoming assets with the Autodesk-provided tools.ĮDIT: the tutorial is misleading in that there is no need to go through the matlib creation manually. mat file? Single, or multiple? Only one type ot both?ī) The Mr issue has nothing to do with me, or the material library: a max file or mat file was used which referenced the mentalray custom attributes, and as the material library loads the. A) How exactly are you tryng to add the materials? Max file, or.